Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year, New Resolve!

Happy New Year!  Most of us make resolutions as the new year dawns with hope to change one thing or many things about our lives.  Many of you have been kind and have asked me to begin updating the blog again.  I decided that would be my resolution for 2013 - to update the blog more regularly.  For many of the blogs I follow, I notice the blogs are updated nearly daily - that won't happen here.  I will try again for weekly (although I hear Yoda in my brain saying, "Do or do not. There is no try") but I admit that finding the time can sometimes be difficult.

Let's talk about what will be different about the blog and where I've been for most of the last year.

What's different?
October 1, 2011, I decided to take a 30 day Vegan Challenge.  At the time, I did not realize that I would feel so good that it would become a long lasting change. I did have a few blog posts after first becoming vegan, but I was still finding my way.  What I have found is that vegan food is "normal" food.  It is very tasty.  Most of what I cook would appeal to anyone who loves food - not just vegans!  Cooking vegan does take more forethought and more experimentation but my body feels so good and I can eat so much more! (Without gaining weight.)  I have also found that I have learned so much more about flavors and spices.  Ethnic foods tend to lend themselves well to being vegan.  Vegan recipes abound on the web and in cookbooks - so there are many more recipes to try! (For more about how I came to the decision to eat vegan see the November 26, 2011 post.)

Where have I been for most of the last year?
 As I mentioned, cooking vegan took some adjusting.  I love to bake and I had to learn how to bake without eggs or dairy.  The pastries pictured are my version of a Hungarian pastry my grandmother used to make.  (Yes, I made the dough - it is not Pillsbury Crescent rolls.)  I find I actually prefer vegan baking and for most things my family does too.  I promise that you will not miss anything in my breads, cakes and cookies.  If I didn't tell you, you would never know what is not in my baked goods.  I have spent the last year re-working some of my favorite bread and pastry recipes to make them vegan but keep them delicious!

So What Now?
I want to return to the format of giving you a weekly menu including many of the recipes used in the menu.  The only difference is that now there will be no animal products included - no meat, no dairy, no eggs.  I hope the blog continues to be helpful.  I hope that you will give the renewed blog a look and tell your friends.

Happy New Year!  May 2013 be your happiest and healthiest and tastiest year yet!


  1. Have you made injera yet?? Would love for us to do that at some point :)

  2. I have a recipe. It is in the January issue of VegNews magazine. I do not have Teff flour though. Funny - it said if you don't have teff flour simply grind teff grain - like teff is everywhere to be found!
