Wednesday, August 3, 2011


My faithful readers, I apologize for the long lapses in blogging this summer. I love the song from "Porgy and Bess" that says, "Summertime and the living is easy." I find the lack of schedule difficult during the summer months.

I love cooking during the summer. I have regularly visited the local CSAs in our area. (CSA stands for community supported agriculture.) I have enjoyed stopping at farm stands and farmer's markets. The fresh fruits and vegetables have been outstanding. My own garden is starting to produce peppers, tomatoes and I just finished the last of the eggplant (much to the delight of my son.) The extremely hot temperatures of this summer have caused me to water more than I would like but I love eating something that I had the privilege of growing.

Now, the blog has suffered because the days are so filled with activity. Several times I have sat down at the computer to work on my blog only to look at more recipes. The great news about all of the great fruits and vegetables is that they need so little preparation. A slice of fresh watermelon or a slice of a garden tomato with fresh basil are hard to beat. I will be heading off once again this weekend, so the blog remains incomplete. I did have an idea though.

Working on the blog once each week takes several hours. (I try to find links for most of the recipes or type them.) I am going to try another medium to supplement the blog. I have started a twitter account for Mom's Weekly Menus. The twitter handle is @momsweeklymenus. Follow me and I will post any great recipes I run across or any fabulous menus. I value each person who takes the time to read the blog, so I want to make it more accessible for all.

I look forward to being back on a regular schedule this fall.

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